5th November 2016
A Day that included worship, creative conversations, particaptive making and dreaming dreams with the congregation of St. Andrew’s, St. Andrews. Co-facilated with Rev. Steve Butler of St. James the Less, Edinburgh. The day intended to model creative uses of space for worship, throughtful theological thinking, participative making and the dreaming of dreams.
Carol facilated the opening worship based on Luke 5 reflecting on stepping-out further personally and as a Body, trusting and following Jesus with a faith that calls us to change.
Steve’s talk on ‘camping,’ participation and the Body.
Creative conversations lead by Carol
Participative making
Final sewing, continued conversation and dreaming
Final worship – the work of the people – under our sewn canopy gradually unfurled to create our space.
Sunday Morning worship in St. Andrew’s lead by rector Rev. Prof. Trevor Hart.
with thanks to Rev. Prof. Trevor Hart, Rev. Diana Hall and the congregation of St. Andrew’s.