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Latest Soul Marks Newsletter: AUGUST 2023


A series of four Art and Prayer workshops 23

Places left on Adevent workshop: 8th December 6pm – 9pm


Contemporary Visual Art and Christian Worship ONLINE Course 2023

5th Oct – 30th Nov. 2023: 

8 evenings. 7pm -9pm GMT (2pm- 4pm EDT/ 11am – 1pm PDT)


  • To cultivate the imaginations of those participating.
  • To give participants a broader understanding of and new possibilities of engaging art in worship. 
  • Develop skills, ideas and processes to cultivate creative possibilities for worship. To expand the possibilities of what is possible

Registration now closed.


ART AND SPIRITUALITY Workshop: Symbols of Hope.

Leith School of Art. Saturday 16th  2024. 10am – 4pm

Exploring where we look for, what we draw from, where find hope in what can often feel like a broken or hopeless world.

In a world of constant change, conflict, division, pain, loss and brokenness where do we find light, courage, and hope? What do we hope for in the depth of our souls? This quiet reflective workshop will explore this theme through practical mixed media artwork drawing inspiration from music, poetry, literature and artists. 

More info soon.

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