Carol has worked on many projects,
Morphē Arts Interface Conference: Leith School of Art. Saturday 18th February 2023. Art is the highest form of Hope Carol led a practical reflective workshop entitled Artists as Prophets of Hope.
Diocese of Oxford, Clergy Conference, 2022, The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire. Carol lead a seies of Art and Prayer workshops.
Solas Festival, Perth. What Next ? 17th -19th June . Exhibited: 7 DAYS Installation.
Retreat Association Conference: online from The Royal Foundation of St. Katherine, London. 27-29 June 2022 . Clasping Hands Across a Divided Landscape.” Carol Marples was our artist in residence who worked in tandem with Alison to create the liturgy. Carol encouraged us to draw a series of contemplative squares as a way of creatively using the silence, which was central to each liturgy, while she gradually transformed the liturgical environment with her own beautiful painted squares.’
Morphē Arts Interface Conference: Online. Saturday 19th February 2022. Art as Acts of Resilence. Carol led a practical reflective workshop entitled ArtistsTouch the Earth Lightly.
Diocese of Oxford, Clergy Conference, 2018, The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire. Carol worked alongside the liturgy group to create a central liturgical installation for the daily Eucharistic liturgy. This transformed for each reflecting both the overall theme of the conference ‘Living Water’and its daily sub-themes. Three reflected art workshops were also offered for conference participants (no art background needed) that focused on the conference themes. The works created in the workshops were added to the central liturgical installation.
Annual Sick Kids Memorial Service 2004 – present. Edinburgh. Edinburgh Sick Kids Hospital. Carol works annually alongside the Chaplain to plan, write, create the spatial environment and co-lead this service.
2006 2011 2018
Solas Festival 2011 and 2014. Perth, Scotland. Part of the planning group to create the Sunday morning worship for the festival. Working alongside people from St. James the Less Episcopal Church, Leith (2011, 2014) the Wild Goose Resource Group (2011) Rev. Dr. Doug Gay and Pastor Nadia Bolz Weber.
2011 2014
‘What is this Place? Who Are These People?‘ Iona, 2012. A Gathering with the WGRG and Friends. A week working alongside the Wild Goose Resource Group and Rev. Steve Butler.
‘Loaves and Fishes’, Episcopal Church Retreat, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2004. Carol worked with Rev. Steve Butler and Rev. Ian Paton to plan and create the participative liturgy, workshops and central visual motif for this conference.
‘Danger Art at Work’ An Arts and Worship Conference. Caldwell Chapel, Lousiville Seminary, Kentucky. 2010. Carol created an installation in the chapel, the central meeting point of the conference, reflecting the theme ‘Heaven and Earth’. Carol was also one of the workshop leaders, alongside Prof. Janet Walton, Rev. Prof. Dr. Cláudio Carvalhaes, Rev. and Potter, Ann Laird Jones, Joerges Sayago Gonzalez, Musician Dave Trevino, and Adrian Alice Hansel.
‘Edinburgh 2010’. A conference celebrating the Centenary of the Edinburgh Missionary Conference1910. Edinburgh University, 2010. Member of the international ‘Worship Planning Group’: John L. Bell, Douglas Galbraith, Mairi Munro, Claudio Carvalhaes, Peter Gunstone, Lim Swee Hong, Sister Elizabeth Moran, Aftab Gohar, Carol Ford.
Claudio Carvalhaes, Mairi Munro, Carol Marples, John L. Bell, Carol Ford. Luiz Coelho, Douglas Galbraith, Peter ?
Jean Vanier Retreat, Gillis Centre Edinburgh, 2007. Carol was the convenor of the worship team for the retreat, comprising Fr.Jock Dalyrymple, Rev. Ali. Newell, Rev. Mark Davidson, and Rev. Steve Butler. Carol also created an international worship project that enabled the worship space to be filled with doves made by people from L’Arche and Faith and Light communities from across the world. She also led an art workshop during the conference with fellow artist Lizzie Findley.
‘By the Well.’ Welsh Ecumenical Conference. Cardiff, 2006. Member of worship planning group: Caroline Pascoe, Andrew Scully, and Sion Rhys Evans.
‘Weaving the Word.’ A Church Without Walls Conference, EICC (Edinburgh International Conference Centre), 2005. Collaboration with Peter and Heidi Gardner. A series of seven workshops to create artwork with people of all ages throughout Scotland for the Church Without Walls day of celebration.
Carberry Festival, East Lothian. 2003 and 2004. Carol worked alongside Peter and Heidi Gardner as an artist in residence at the festival, facilitating ‘the secret arts society, ‘a series of workshops for all ages and abilities that announced and reflected the daily worship themes. The artworks infiltrated the whole of the festival site.