7 DAYS: at the beginning of Creationtide: A reflection/ brief sermon by Carol @ St. James the Less Episcopal Church, Leith. 4th September 2023. https://stjamesleith.podbean.com/e/september-3rd-2023-seven-days/

Art and Prayer Interview: Early in 2022 Carol was interviewed about Art and Prayer by Fiona Fidgin (Fidge), Learning and Development Officer at The Methodist Church. Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R_iOPGmOYc Approx 17mins.

Small VOICE podcast: Carol’s interview is approximately 30 mins in and lasts for 10 mins. You can listen to it here: http://http://www.smallvoice.org.uk/a-thousand-words-carol-marples/

7 DAYS: Art and the Sacred. Article in the online journal Transpositions: Theology, Imagination and the Arts. https://www.transpositions.co.uk